More Figure Practice

October 1, 2020

Mo' practice, mo' problems.

It's been a slow week as I've been a bit tired from work. Each Wednesday though I sit down to a relaxing night of Dungeons & Dragons, and figured I should get some practice in while we do that.

This is just a single figure but I took a bit of extra time on it just being really sure about the positive and negative cylinders. I use green to denote that a limb is coming toward the viewer, and red for limbs "moving" away into the background; something I picked up in art class!

I've also taken the feedback from the teacher to heart and am using thinner lines. It's easier to see imperfections with thinner lines according to him, and I can definitely tell. My other figure drawings might look more impressive at a glance, but I feel that once you start really looking, you can tell the thick lines are covering up some sloppy linework. Feeling good about this!

See all of my stuff...


Reach ooooout.

If you like what I'm doing and want to talk about it, hit me up!

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