Who dis?

Douglas Glover

I build websites by day, but by night I am... pretty bad at drawing.

Let's change that, eh?

Insert well-drawn visual representation of evolution here.

Art, IMO

I have a great reverence for the skills exhibited by graphic artists, especially those making web comics, animations and the like. It's been a life long dream of mine to be able to draw, but always let it slip by the wayside.

I've put together this quickie site on Webflow so I can skip worrying over the website itself (my day job), and just focus on my art journey.

This site was started on September 13th, 2020. I hope that some day in the future I can look back and see some real progress. Hello, future me.

Reach ooooout.

If you like what I'm doing and want to talk about it, hit me up!

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