Figure sketches 1

September 16, 2020

These were once naked people...

I've started taking my art course and am quite happy to be learning how to draw human figures relatively early on. There was a Photoshop class first (though I have many years of experience with PS, so I mostly just doodled while that was talked about), and then we got straight into the good stuff.

Taking the human body and piecing it out as a skeleton, and then growing it up from there is a really intuitive way of getting proportions and everything right. I'm really happy to be learning this stuff, and I feel it's already helped massively.

Here are a few more progress images from the first figure class:

My first attempt, just drawing skeletons from glancing at photos

These skeletons were once again drawn by glancing at photos

The two on the left were traced from photos of people, while the more cartoonish guy on the right was just a doodle

See all of my stuff...


Reach ooooout.

If you like what I'm doing and want to talk about it, hit me up!

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